
Bring Calmness to Your Mind and Peace to The World.

We can fix Global Warming, Rising Temperature, Climate Change and Pollution just by avoiding huge Traffic and Saving Time.

"Work From Home" The New Tool for Better Tomorrow.


Introducing Youhaveasolution.com, a social site to better structure your life throug work from home/remote jobs. We often struggle to commute to work, spend a lot of time and energy while traveling back and forth everyday in huge traffic ques. We also leave lot of carbon footprints whie using cars, buses and trains. The cities are overcrowded as people have to leave their own cities, villages and homes to get jobs in metropolitan cities. They have to leave their old parents, family and friends behind to earn livelihood. The big cities are overly populated, polluted and became more unaffordable. But what is the solution?

We have a solution or rather 'You have a solution'. Just ask your employer, government and corporates to let you work from home. Just imagin there are 8 billion people, in which 4 billion working, 1 billion can not work from home due to nature of their job. What if 3 billion can work from home? What if you get to live where you wanted to live. Be able to help old parents, with your partner, with lovely kids, all loved ones and friends. It will not just benefit one person or one family. It can help that educated trible men, pregnant women, those mothers who cannot go out for jobs. It will help the humanity, the mother earth by not creating unnecessary carbon footprint while traveling to office everday. Think about global warming, think about environment and rising global temperature. Everything will start improving. Mother nature will heal mother earth in no time.

What is in there for governments?

Less fuel and gas consumption means prosperity. Improved economy for rural areas. Prosper people, prosper economy, prosper health means prosper country. Prosper country means prosper earth. That's what all we want.

What is in there for companies and corporates?

Huge Cost saving on infrastructure, means huge profit in revenue. Employee retention, increased employee efficiency and availability. Fulfilling social responsibilities of reducing carbon emission.

What is it in for employees?

Work from the place of your choice from comfort of your own. More savings, more time for hobbies, health, loved ones and life. Happy life means more productivity for self and organization.

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What else we can fix?


About Us

Youhaveasolution.com is a startup in the Social Environment, Climet Change, WFH Jobs, WFH setup migration, AI and IOT based solution provider. With a strong focus on providing innovative solutions, we are committed to delivering high-quality services to our clients.

Our team is dedicated to creating a positive impact on the social environment, and we strive to constantly exceed expectations through our expertise and dedication.

Our Services


Youhaveasolution.com is committed to transform the social environment. Our innovative approach and dedication to create positive change across the globe is our mission. Thank you for connecting with us!

Job Sector

Any work performed on laptop can move to Work From Home model. Below are probable sectors which can Generate Work from Home Jobs.

Let us find best WFH jobs for you. Upload your CV at jobnar.com